After School Care Club
Any parent wishing to use the after School Care Club should collect a Registration Form from the school office. The form should be completed and returned to the school office who will then confirm if and when a place is available. Children who have a place are automatically allocated a place for the following term unless the parent gives notice that the place is no longer required.
All changes must be addressed to the school office in writing giving at four weeks notice.
The After School Care Club takes place in the school hall and outside in the grounds.
Early Morning Breakfast Club
The free breakfast club is runs daily from 7.30am.
We are delighted that Gregg's Bakery is supporting our Breakfast club. They provide the food and we provide the staff. Any child arriving before 8.15am may have breakfast in school. We offer cereal, toast and a drink.
There is no charge but we need to have registration forms completed so that our staff have emergency contact details and allergy advice.
All children meet in the school with KS1 and the Early Years in the KS1 dining area and KS2 in the KS2 dining area.
No children will be admitted to Breakfast Club after 8.30am
After School Care Club
The After School Club runs daily until 5.30pm.
The charge for After School Club is £6.50 per child per session.
Children are provided with a snack at the start of the session. Children attending school extracurricular activities are able to join the club after their session.
All children should be collected by 5.25pm at the latest as After School Club staff are only employed until 5.30pm this then gives them five minutes to tidy up and clean equipment. If you cannot collect your child by this time you will need to make alternative arrangements and telephone After School Club on 07434722499 to inform them who will collect the child, this will ensure we are not left with children after 5.30pm. A charge will be made if a child is collected late more than twice at £1 a minute.
Payments must be made in advance at otherwise the place may be withdrawn.
If we are left with children after 5.30pm and we are not informed what is happening we may have to telephone the safeguarding team as After School Care Club staff have other commitments and it must not be assumed that they can stay longer.
As with the Breakfast club, to allow children more space, we split the club. Our younger children will spend the first part of the session in the school hall. This will give them more space to play. The older children will have it in turns to use either the ICT suite, the MUGA or outside in the school playground. Children will be provided with a sandwich and a drink.
Last year a number of children were collected late but due to numbers we were unable to admit them into our After School Care Club. Now that we have increased our staff we are in a position to offer some emergency places. Please ring the school before the end of the school day if you need to book one of these because you know that you will be late. An emergency placement costs £6.50
Applications are accepted from all children however, places are limited in order to ensure an appropriate staffing pupil ratio.
Application forms are available from the school office or click here to download a form. Please click here for a copy of our terms and conditions
The club is currently full but a waiting list is kept.