Church of England School of the Resurrection

Website Hits: 283013

G. F. Elswood

Executive Headteacher

Dear Parents/Carers,


It gives me great pleasure to write to you as the Headteacher of The Church of England School of the Resurrection, and to lead the school on the next phase of it's journey of growth. Children are at the heart of everything I do, and their needs are central to school life and decision making. With the support of the governors and a dedicated staff team, I want to ensure ALL children are provided with a first class education and a range of experiences to inspire them to achieve their full potential and to succeed in all they choose to do in the future. 


I warmly welcome communication and support from you as parents and the community. Should you wish to discuss any aspect of school life with me, please contact the school office and we can arrange a mutually convenient time. Together, we can promote HOPE and ASPIRATION for all. 


I understand the importance of family, friendships and relationships, and the part they play in education. Children’s happiness is a value that lies close to my heart, and I believe for children to be able to achieve academically, they must be emotionally ready and secure. Therefore, the WELL-BEING for all; children, staff and parents is always a key priority of mine.


The last twelve months has seen some of the most challenging times in education and society as a whole. As we move into the next phase and recovery from the pandemic, please be confident in my ability to provide stability, support and inspiration for the children and whole school community.


You can be assured, that as Headteacher, I am committed to shaping the future of education and I will do everything I can to provide opportunities for your children to flourish and be the very best they can be. 


"By their fruit you will recognise them"

Matthew 7:20

Please take care, and thank you for your support.


Best wishes,

Mr Elswood

Executive Headteacher


Church of England School of the Resurrection is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young children and people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
For more information please see the Safeguarding section under the Home tab on the main school website.