Inspiring ALL to Belong, Believe, Bear Fruit

"Behold, children are a gift from the Lord"

Psalm 127:3

We are committed to the safeguarding and well-being of ALL our pupils and staff team. We expects all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment. Please see the document below to meet our safeguarding team and view their contact details at the bottom of the page. 

Click here to see our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Click here for Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022

Click here for our Parents and Pupils Keeping Safe Page

Click here for our Equality and Equity Page

Click here for our Digital Safety Page





All staff have completed safeguarding training as required by law with copies of certificates being kept by Mr Copland. Posters are up around school and in the reception area to ensure that pupils, visitors and parents know who they can contact if they have a safeguarding concern.


Through our teaching, school ethos and our procedures, we work to ensure that children are kept safe during the school day, and also through our teaching children, learn how to keep themselves safe, in school, outside school and online.


We are supported by the Manchester Safeguarding Team, together with the School Nursing Team, and we take advantage of the support offered through the Healthy Schools Network, Child Line and PSHE networks. The DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) attends Children in Need meetings, Child Protection meetings, Team around the Child meetings and Early Help meetings as required.


We recently reviewed our PSHE curriculum and are now beginning to implement a policy that reflects the needs of today's children. We deliver regular e-safety training to children, use the Pants Rule and have opportunities for parents to attend E Safety training.


In recognition that we share a responsibility to prevent radicalization, the Leadership Team have undertaken accredited Prevent training and cascaded information and procedures to staff. All school staff have access to training provided by Manchester Children's Safeguarding Board in association with the Virtual College, together with The Key, and have updated training at the beginning of every school year and whenever updates are published. This includes the recent addition of Peer on Peer abuse training. Volunteers, students on placements and regular visitors to the school,  read and sign that they have read and understood all our Safeguarding policies and are always supervised by members of the school staff. 


A member of the Leadership Team attends the local authority networks for safeguarding, attendance and vulnerable children on a regular basis. 


Our recording and confidentiality is supported by the use of CPOMS, an online monitoring system.


Our Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Phyllis Kelly-Cudjoe.